Thursday, July 07, 2005

The Carnival Of The Godless


Carnival Of The Godless Guidelines

1. The post you send in must be from a godless perspective and address something such as godlessness, atheism, church/state separation, the evolution/creation debate, theodicy, philosophy of religion as it relates to godlessness, etc. There is a huge amount of wiggle room in the post subject and we will consider every submission carefully for inclusion.

2. You may only submit one post per carnival. More may be accepted at the host's discretion. If you submit a post that you really think ought to be included from another blog, and the author of that blog also submits a post, we'll use their post. This should be considered a great way to get one of your excellent, but (for whatever reason) unknown or underrated posts in front of a potentially huge audience. Grab the bull by the horns!

Time frame

The Carnival Of The Godless will be posted every two weeks on Sunday. The cutoff date for submissions will be the preceding Friday. If we get the submissions chosen and sorted out before Sunday, it will be posted earlier.


Send your submissions to brent dot rasmussen at gmail dot com. In addition to writing "COTG Submission" in the subject of the email, please include the following information:

  • The name of the blog where the post is from
  • The post title.
  • The post author's name or handle.
  • The post's permanent link.
  • A short description of the post.

Attention Internet Infidels

Forum posts may also be submitted. Have you written something on the boards that you think needs a wider audience than II? Submit it!


If you run a godless blog and if you would like to host the Carnival Of The Godless, send your hosting request to brent dot rasmussen at gmail dot com. We will (NOT) update this page with the hosting schedule as we accept hosts (Check instead!)

  1. January 30, 2005 - Unscrewing The Inscrutable
  2. February 6, 2005 - Pharyngula
  3. February 13, 2005 - Coturnix's Science & Politics
  4. February 20, 2005 - Philosophy, et cetera
  5. February 27, 2005 - Smijer & Buck
  6. March 6, 2005 - The Raving Atheist
  7. March 13, 2005 - The Frozen Texan and His Rusty Old Claymore
  8. March 20, 2005 - Nanovirus
  9. March 27, 2005 - Yeah Whatever
  10. April 10, 2005 - Wolverine Tom
  11. April 24, 2005 - Timothy Sandefur's Freespace
  12. May 1, 2005 - Radical Writ
  13. May 15, 2005 - Scottish Nous
  14. May 29, 2005 - deanpence
  15. June 12, 2005 - What You Can Get Away With
  16. June 26, 2005 - Positive Liberty
  17. July 10, 2005 - Tobias Buckell Online
  18. July 24, 2005 - Saint Nate's Blog
  19. July 31, 2005 - The Evangelical Atheist
  20. August 7, 2005 - Silly Humans
  21. August 21, 2005 - No More Mr. Nice Guy
  22. September 4, 2005 - Austin Cline's About Atheism
  23. September 18, 2005 - The Uncredible Hallq
  24. October 3, 2005 - Pinoy Atheist
  25. October 16, 2005 - The Common Man
  26. October 30, 2005 - A Rational Being
  27. November 13, 2005 - Pharyngula
  28. November 27, 2005 - The Evangelical Atheist
  29. December 11, 2005 - Unscrewing The Inscrutable
  30. December 25, 2005 - The COTG Christmas Extravaganza! - Nanovirus
  31. January 8, 2006 - Buridan's Ass
  32. January 22, 2006 - A Pixelated Mind
  33. February 5, 2006 - Superlicious
  34. February 19, 2006 - Goosing The Antithesis
  35. March 5, 2006 - Jody Wheeler
  36. March 19, 2006 - Daniel Morgan
  37. April 2, 2006 - Neural Gourmet
  38. April 16, 2006 - A Rational Being
  39. April 30, 2006 - Unscrewing The Inscrutable
  40. May 14, 2006 - Coturnix's Science & Politics
  41. May 28, 2006 - Frank's Atheistic Ramblings
  42. June 11, 2006 - The Atheist Mama
  43. June 25, 2006 - Silly Humans
  44. July 9, 2006 - Daylight Atheism
  45. July 23, 2006 - Beware Of The Dogma
  46. August 6, 2006 - The Common Man
  47. August 20, 2006 - Revolvo Inritus
  48. September 3, 2006 - Deep Thoughts
  49. September 17, 2006 - Grounded in Reality
  50. October 1, 2006 - Salto sobrius
  51. October 15, 2006 - The Greenbelt
  52. October 29, 2006 - Skeptic Rant - Halloween Edition!
  53. November 12, 2006 - Debunking Christianity
  54. November 26, 2006 - Hellbound Allee - Thanksgiving Edition!
  55. December 10, 2006 - Kingdom Of Heathen
  56. December 24, 2006 - God Is For Suckers! - Christmas Eve Edition!
  57. January 7, 2007 - Daily Irreverence
  58. January 21, 2007 - Abe Linkum
  59. February 4, 2007 - Salto sobrius
  60. February 18, 2007 - Manifold Fates
  61. March 4, 2007 - Hell's Handmaiden
  62. March 18, 2007 - Black Sun Journal
  63. April 1, 2007 - Abstract Nonsense -
  64. April Fools Edition!
  66. April 29, 2007 - Neural Gourmet
  67. May 13, 2007
  68. May 27, 2007
  69. June 10, 2007
  70. June 24, 2007
  71. July 8, 2007
  72. July 22, 2007
  73. August 5, 2007
  74. August 19, 2007
  75. September 2, 2007
  76. September 16, 2007
  77. September 30, 2007
  78. October 14, 2007
  79. October 28, 2007
  80. November 11, 2007
  81. November 25, 2007
  82. December 9, 2007
  83. December 23, 2007

Please Note

"From a godless perspective" does NOT mean that you must be an atheist to send in a submission. There are plenty of theists who blog from a godless perspective. We welcome their posts. We will even consider posts criticizing godlessness in general, or atheism in particular. We recognize that there are some damned interesting theists out there who will have written relevant posts. We only ask that you do not submit a post that is just a short linking post, but rather something that shows off yours or someone else's writing ability.

Please pass this information along to anyone you know who may be interested. The godless in the blogosphere have a lot to say and we would like them to have the opportunity to say it to a wider audience. If the interest seems high enough, we will continue it indefinitely.

COTG Badge COTG Badge Here are a couple of badges you may use - please download them and place them on your own server. You may do with it what you will, but please keep the look and feel of the original logo if you do use it.

Thanks, and we look forward to reading you!